Sunday, March 31, 2013

MPD Dominates Alley

In what could only be described as an overwhelming display of force, Metropolitan Police surrounded and flooded into the 500 block alley between Oglethorpe and Oneida streets NW Sunday evening. Local residents rushed to the scene to inspect the commotion. “I heard all the sirens go by and then they just stopped, so I knew it had to be close,” said one onlooker. As many as 9 squad cars could be counted as a veritable crowd of uniformed and plainclothes officers assembled at the intersection with 5th street NW.

“I thought it was an accident, but it doesn’t look like an accident,” remarked a man standing near the scene, “they probably just don’t have anything better to do right now than bother some people.” Shouting could be heard coming from the alley, however sources speculate that this may be unrelated to the police activity. The Observer will continue to closely monitor the situation and report on devolpments as they arise. 

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